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Online Resources

Xavier University has now centralized all of the Online Resources into one area for your convenience. As new services are developed for your use, they will be organized alphabetically in this area. If there are services you use frequently you may want to bookmark them for your convenience.

What is available online? Quite a bit! Try these links to find items of interest to you. Items with "*" not available off campus unless using Xavier dial-up.

Resource Links

  • Information Technology Center

    The Information Technology Center (ITC) Help desk is available to assist you and can be reached by calling extensions 7446 or 7449, or see our online support which addresses most common issues. One of the most common help desk requests is for a password or Banner PIN reset. If you are in need of a password or Banner PIN reset you must stop by the Help desk in the Norman C. Francis Science Building, Room 209 between the hours of 7:30 AM and 5:30 PM, Mondays through Fridays. Please be sure to bring some form of photo ID, preferably your X Card. For security reasons, passwords and Banner PINs cannot be reset via telephone or email requests.