Office of Student Affairs
The Office of Student Services offers students opportunities to grow as individuals and as students. In providing these opportunities, students are expected to develop broad competencies in personal growth and development, interpersonal development, leadership and service development, environmental and cultural development, and understanding and commitment to social justice for all humankind. The various units within the Student Affairs Division collaborate to accomplish the mission.

Student Involvement
Students are involved in a wide range of organizations, including over 90 clubs, from band and theater to community service.

Faith and Justice
Throughout Xavier's existence, its faculty, staff and students have demonstrated a unique awareness of, and commitment to, our foundational identity. Our identity as Catholic and Black has never been exclusionary.

Health and Wellness
Campus resources include general medicines/preventative care, sick visits lab services counseling and a brand recreational facility.

Residence Life
At Xavier, we are dedicated to ensuring that our living environments are the best they can be. Our team is committed to providing a residential environment supporting your social and academic experience.
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